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Meet the Robin Hood AI Poverty Challenge Finalists!
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Concerns and uncertainty over the impact of AI on the future of work are widespread. Recent studies indicate 40% of jobs around the world will be affected by AI, while workers are more likely to say AI will help more than hurt (Pew Research). A job with family-supporting wages is an essential part of living an economically secure life. Accessing quality jobs requires not only the relevant skills, but also knowledge of opportunities. Rapid changes in the labor market increase the importance of lifelong learning for all workers. Educational institutions, workforce programs, and employers similarly need to adapt to better match talent and opportunity. AI technologies can be applied to elevate vulnerable workers and reduce economic disparities. This could include job training and matching programs focused on underserved, low-income communities, policy development, and improvements for responsible use of AI to complement and improve jobs. Potential solutions could include enabling experiences that lead to career-track occupations, help job seekers identify training, upskilling for higher pay, and support employers to find non-traditional candidates.